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Merchant Registration


The sandbox environment and the production environment are two separate systems with the same integration mode, but you need to register separate accounts for each.

It is recommended to register an account in the sandbox environment first, familiarize yourself with the integration process, and then register an account in the production environment.

The descriptions and links in this document are based on the sandbox environment.

Version Selection

We offer three versions of the system: Lite, Standard, and Pro. The Lite version is designed for individuals and small merchants who only need basic payment collection functionality. The Pro version is designed for large merchants and includes advanced features. The Standard version falls between the two.

Here are the specific differences between the versions:

DifferenceLite VersionStandard VersionPro Version
Target AudienceIndividuals or small merchants who need a simple and convenient payment collection solutionSmall to medium-sized merchants seeking a balance between security and flexibilityLarge merchants with dedicated administrators and finance personnel, prioritizing maximum security
Registration Requirements1 wallet address for payment collection4 wallet addresses, including 3 administrators and 1 finance personnel (also serves as a hot wallet)5 wallet addresses, including 3 administrators and 2 finance personnel
Multisig FunctionalityNo multisig functionalityMultisig functionality for managing personnel and configurationMultisig functionality for managing personnel, funds, and configuration
Fund StorageStored in a cold contractStored in a cold contract, can be rebalanced to a hot walletStored in a cold contract and a hot contract, requires periodic fund rebalancing
Fund WithdrawalOne-click withdrawal of all funds to a walletFree withdrawal of funds from the hot walletFund withdrawal from the hot contract through multisig transfer
Security LevelNo multisig operations, 1 wallet address management, moderate security levelMultisig transactions for cold contracts, no multisig for hot contracts, high security levelAll transactions on the chain are multisig, very high security level
Difficulty LevelLowModerateHigh

Multisig(multi-signature) refers to transactions that require multiple signatures to be completed, which can effectively enhance the security of funds. The multisig functionality in the merchant contract requires multiple contract administrators to sign together to complete operations, including configuring contract parameters, adding or removing administrators, withdrawing funds, and transferring funds. Multisig operations can effectively prevent errors or malicious operations by individual personnel, ensuring the security of funds.

Merchant administrators can also modify the approval ratio and validity period of multisig voting to adapt to different management needs.

Cold Contract and Hot Contract
  • Cold Contract: Also known as a cold wallet, it is used to store the merchant's configuration information and funds in a smart contract. The funds inside cannot be directly withdrawn or transferred, and can only flow into the merchant's hot contract through the "rebalancing" method.
  • Hot Contract: Also known as a hot wallet, it is used to store the merchant's liquid funds. It can be directly withdrawn and transferred, but requires multisig operations to ensure security (for the Pro version).
  • User Subcontract: Wallet addresses derived in bulk from the merchant contract, used to store users' cryptocurrencies. They cannot be directly withdrawn and can only flow into the merchant's cold contract through the "aggregation" method.

The cryptocurrencies paid and deposited by users are stored in the user subcontract, and merchants can aggregate them into the cold wallet through aggregation operations, and then periodically rebalance them into the hot wallet to ensure the security and liquidity of funds. Merchant administrators can set the fund limit and rebalancing interval in the hot wallet through multisig in the cold contract.

The Lite version merchant extracts funds from the cold wallet to the wallet address used for registration using the "One-click Withdrawal" feature.

Administrators and Finance Personnel

Only for the Pro version

  • Administrators(Executive): Also known as cold contract administrators, responsible for configuring and managing the system, including adding and removing other personnel, configuring merchant contract parameters, etc. They cannot directly manage funds in the hot contract.
  • Finance Personnel(Treasurer): Also known as hot contract administrators, responsible for managing funds in the hot contract through multisig, including withdrawal, transfer, etc.

In addition, the platform also supports merchants (all versions) to add multiple regular employee accounts, who cannot manage contracts and funds through multisig, but can only view data and perform operations that do not involve fund security.

New merchants can choose different versions based on their needs during registration.

Registration Process

  1. Obtain the registration invitation code.

Please obtain the registration invitation code through an agent or contact our business personnel.

  1. Visit the registration page in the admin console here.
  2. Fill in the required registration information, including contact information, invitation code, and wallet addresses required for the selected version.

Registration Page

  • Role: Select the merchant version, including Lite, Standard, and Pro.
  • Chain: Corresponding public chain. If your system needs to operate on TRON, please select TRON (Trc20). If you need multiple public chains, you can apply for additional public chains in the admin console after the system is activated.
  • Name: The name of the merchant, which will be displayed in the payee field on the payment page. After successful registration, the merchant administrator can modify it in the admin console.
  • Email: The contact email of the merchant, for us to get in touch with you. After successful registration, the merchant administrator can modify it in the admin console.
  • Executive or Treasurer Wallet Address: Includes wallet addresses of 3 administrators and 1-2 finance personnel. The wallet addresses must be unique and should not use addresses with leaked private keys. All wallet addresses can be used to log in to the console with corresponding identities. For the Lite version, only one wallet address is required for receiving payments.
  1. Click the Sign Up button to submit the registration information.
  2. Wait for approval, which usually takes 1-2 working days. You will be notified once the approval is granted.
  3. After approval, you can log in to the admin console here using the wallet address provided during registration by selecting the corresponding role and using a browser wallet plugin (such as MetaMask, TronLink).