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Login With Wallet

This article introduces how to log in to the admin console using Web3 wallet plugins.


The currently supported Web3 wallet plugins are MetaMask and TronLink. The following example demonstrates logging in to the sandbox environment using the TronLink plugin.

  1. Visit the login page of the admin console, select the blockchain Tron (TRC20), and click Connect TronLink Wallet.

    Login Page

  2. If the currently connected wallet is on a different network, a prompt will appear requesting a network switch. Click Switch.

    Switch Network


    In the sandbox environment, we use the testnet, so you need to switch to the testnet.

    The testnet for Ethereum is Sepolia, and the testnet for Tron is Nile.

    Testnet tokens are free and can be obtained from official faucets.

  3. After successfully switching networks, a connection request from the TronLink wallet will appear. Select the address you want to log in with (the administrator or finance wallet address used during registration) from the account list, and click Connect.

    Connection Request

  4. After a successful connection, the selected wallet address will be displayed on the page. Click Login to prompt a signature request. Verify that the wallet address in the signature message is correct, and click Sign.


  5. After successful signature verification, you will be able to access the admin backend.

    Login Success