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Query withdrawal order fund details



Query the list of transaction addresses and amounts of multiple withdrawal orders.


This interface is used by the signature tool, and merchants generally do not need to call it.


Query Parameters

    chainId int32required

    Chain ID

    This is the platform internal ID, not the chain ID on the chain or from the wallet, can be obtained from Get Chain List interface

    orderIds int32[]required

    Possible values: >= 1, <= 100

    List of withdrawal order IDs




    code int32required

    Status code

    msg stringrequired

    Status message on success or error message on failure

    description string

    Detailed description when error



    chainId int32required

    Chain ID

    This is the platform internal ID, not the chain ID on the chain or from the wallet, can be obtained from Get Chain List interface

    erc20s string[]

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^0x[a-fA-F0-9]{40}$

    List of token addresses involved in the transaction (not the native cryptocurrency of the current blockchain)

    Address format: hexadecimal

    erc20Tos string[]

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^0x[a-fA-F0-9]{40}$

    List of addresses where tokens are transferred to

    Address format: hexadecimal

    erc20Values integer[]

    List of token transfer amounts

    Note: The value of this field is an integer, calculated by (actual_amount * 10^currency_decimals)

    ethTos string[]

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^0x[a-fA-F0-9]{40}$

    List of addresses where native cryptocurrencies are transferred to

    Address format: hexadecimal

    The native currency of the Ethereum chain is ETH, the native currency of the Tron chain is TRX, and the native currency of the Binance chain is BNB...

    ethValues integer[]

    List of transfer amounts of native cryptocurrencies

    Note: The value of this field is an integer, calculated by (actual_amount * 10^currency_decimals)
