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Status Code

This page explains the status code returned by the API.


The following list includes all possible status codes that can be returned in our system. Not all status codes are used in the API.

Status CodeStatus Message
200Operation successful
405Request method error
10001User-side error
10100Registration error
10110Email error
10111Invalid email format
10120Verification code error
10121Verification code validation error
10122Verification code already sent
10130Registration code error
10131Registration code does not exist
10132Registration code already used
10133Invalid registration code
10200Login error
10210Account error
10214Account suspended
10215Account under review
10220Login verification error
10221Message format error
10222Invalid nonce value
10223Signature verification failed
20001Order error
20100Transfer error
20101Wallet has initiated a transfer within the past 24 hours
20102Transfer timeout
20110Refund error
20111Refund already initiated for the order
20112Refund link does not exist
20113Refund and order information mismatch, please check the order record
20114Refund amount cannot exceed the order amount
20200Payment error
20201Payment information validation failed
20202Order already being processed
20203Payment method cannot be identified
20204Quote currency not supported
20205Payment signature generation failed
20206Payment link generation failed
20209Merchant order number already exists
20210Settlement currency error
20211Order already closed
20220Product error
20221Product does not exist
20222Product has expired
20600Order global error
20601Order does not exist
20602Order status error
20603Duplicate transaction hash
20604Order validation failed
20605Callback address does not exist
20606Notification failed
20610Order amount error
20611Order amount calculation error
20612Insufficient account balance
20621No transaction records
20627Invalid transaction hash
30001Orgnization error
30100Orgnization basic information error
30101Orgnization does not exist
30102Parent institution does not exist
30103Orgnization type error
30132Merchant API Key information error
30133Merchant API Key does not exist
30200Orgnization wallet information error
30201Orgnization wallet information does not exist
30202Duplicate institution balance information
30220Merchant wallet information error
30221Merchant wallet information does not exist
30222Multiple merchant wallet information found
30223Duplicate merchant wallet information
30224Merchant wallet balance information does not exist
30230Merchant hot wallet error
30231Merchant hot wallet address does not exist
30232Merchant hot wallet balance information does not exist
30233Duplicate merchant hot wallet address
30240Merchant cold wallet error
30241Merchant cold wallet address does not exist
30242Merchant cold wallet balance information does not exist
30250Merchant currency error
30251Current merchant is not registered for this currency
30300Administrator basic information error
30301Administrator does not exist
30400Administrator wallet information error
30401Administrator wallet does not exist
30402Multiple administrator wallets found
30403Duplicate administrator wallet
30500Merchant user basic information error
30501Merchant user does not exist
30502Multiple merchant users found
30600Merchant user wallet information error
30601Merchant user wallet information does not exist
30602Multiple merchant user wallets found
30603Duplicate merchant user wallet
30604Duplicate merchant user wallet balance information
30605Merchant user wallet status error
30606Merchant user balance information does not exist
30607Multiple user balance information found
40001System configuration error
40100Chain information error
40101Chain name already exists
40102Default chain does not exist
40103Chain does not exist
40200Currency information error
40201Currency does not exist
40202Duplicate currency
40203Duplicate currency address under the same chain
40204Currency precision error
40205Currency operation failed
40300Currency price data error
40301Currency price information does not exist
40302Failed to retrieve currency price table
40303Single currency price information does not exist
40401Public contract error
40402Public contract information does not exist
50001Server error
50002Server busy, please try again later
50100Email service exception
50110Failed to send email
50304Transaction publication exception
50305Transaction estimation exception
50307Blockchain service temporarily unavailable
60001Request error
60002Request timeout
60003No valid IP address detected
60004Unauthorized IP address
60005Duplicate request not allowed
60100Permission error
60102Insufficient permissions
60110API Key verification failed
60111API Key cannot be empty
60112Signature cannot be empty
60113Invalid API Key
60114Signature verification failed
60115Timestamp cannot be empty
60200Request parameter error
60210Parameter validation failed
60211Parameter cannot be empty
60212Invalid parameter value
60213Invalid parameter type
60214Parameter size does not meet the limit
60215Invalid IP address format
60300Data exception
60301Data does not exist
60302Data already exists
70001Multi-signature error
70100Proposal error
70102Same type of proposal is already under review or has been approved
70103Proposal does not exist
70104Invalid proposal status
70105Invalid proposal type
70106No permission to operate on this proposal content
70107No permission to operate on this proposal
70108Address is already under review
80001Contract error
80100Contract file error
80101Contract file does not exist
80102Failed to create contract file