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Query withdrawal order details



Query the details of the withdrawal order by withdrawal order ID or merchant order number.


Query Parameters

    withdrawId int32

    Withdrawal order ID

    withdrawId and outTradeNo must be passed at least one

    outTradeNo string

    Merchant order number

    withdrawId and outTradeNo must be passed at least one




    code int32required

    Status code

    msg stringrequired

    Status message on success or error message on failure

    description string

    Detailed description when error



    Withdrawal order object

    chainId int32required

    Chain ID

    This is the platform internal ID, not the chain ID on the chain or from the wallet, can be obtained from Get Chain List interface

    currencyId int32required

    Currency ID

    Can be obtained from Get Currency List interface

    withdrawId int32required

    Withdrawal order ID

    outTradeNo stringnullable

    Merchant order number

    withdrawAmount stringrequired

    Withdrawal amount

    Note: The value of this field is an integer, calculated by (actual_amount * 10^currency_decimals)

    Merchant Pro only: Can contain multiple amount, separated by ,, corresponding to the withdrawal address one by one

    withdrawAddress stringrequired

    Withdrawal address

    Merchant Pro only: Can contain multiple addresses, separated by ,, corresponding to the withdrawal amount one by one

    withdrawStatus int32required

    Possible values: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

    Withdrawal order status

    • 0 - Success
    • 1 - Pending approval
    • 2 - Under review
    • 3 - Block confirmation
    • 4 - Failure
    • 5 - Rejected
    withdrawTime date-timerequired

    Withdrawal application time

    transferHash stringnullable

    Transaction hash
