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Query sub-contract wallet list



Query the list of user sub-contract wallets created by the merchant using pagination.


Query Parameters

    chainId int32

    Chain ID

    This is the platform internal ID, not the chain ID on the chain or from the wallet, can be obtained from Get Chain List interface

    UUID string

    User UUID

    userId int32

    User ID

    page int64

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 1000000

    Default value: 1

    Page number

    size int64

    Possible values: <= 500

    Default value: 10

    Number of records per page

    userType int32

    Possible values: [0, 1]

    User type

    • 0 - Recharge users, wallet addresses are generated through the API interface (Create user sub-contract wallet).

    • 1 - Payment users, wallet addresses are automatically generated by the system during the payment process.




    code int32required

    Status code

    msg stringrequired

    Status message on success or error message on failure

    description string

    Detailed description when error



    Page result object

    count int64required

    Total number of records that meet the conditions

    page int64required

    Current page number

    size int64required

    Number of records per page




  • Array [

  • userId int32required

    User ID

    uuid stringrequired

    User UUID

    createTime date-timerequired

    User creation time




    list of user sub-contract wallets

  • Array [

  • chainId int32required

    Chain ID

    This is the platform internal ID, not the chain ID on the chain or from the wallet, can be obtained from Get Chain List interface

    walletId int32required

    User sub-contract wallet ID

    walletAddress stringrequired

    User sub-contract wallet address

  • ]

  • userType int32

    Possible values: [0, 1]

    User type:

    • 0 - Recharge type user, the wallet address is generated through the API interface (Create User Subcontract Wallet)
    • 1 - Payment type user, the wallet address is automatically generated by the system during the payment process
  • ]
