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Query payment order details



Query the details of the payment order by payment order number or merchant order number.


Query Parameters

    outTradeNo stringrequired

    Merchant order number

    outPaymentNo string

    Payment order number




    code int32required

    Status code

    msg stringrequired

    Status message on success or error message on failure

    description string

    Detailed description when error



    Payment order object

    chainId int32required

    Chain ID

    This is the platform internal ID, not the chain ID on the chain or from the wallet, can be obtained from Get Chain List interface

    orgId int32required

    Merchant orgnization ID, can be obtained from the management platform

    outTradeNo stringrequired

    Merchant order number

    outPaymentNo stringrequired

    Payment order number

    description stringrequired

    Product description

    isLegalTender int32required

    Possible values: [0, 1]

    Whether the quoted currency is a fiat currency

    • 0 - No
    • 1 - Yes
    quoteCurrencySymbol stringrequired

    Quoted currency symbol, must be in uppercase letters

    Note: When the quoted currency is a fiat currency, this field is the international standard fiat currency symbol, such as USD, CNY, otherwise it is a digital currency symbol, such as USDT, TRX, ETH

    quoteAmount stringrequired

    Quoted amount

    Note: This is the actual amount, must be a positive number, can be a decimal

    paymentStatus int32required

    Possible values: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

    Payment Order Status

    • 0 - Paid
    • 1 - Pending Payment
    • 2 - Block Confirmation
    • 3 - Partially Paid
    • 4 - Payment Failed
    • 5 - Refunded
    paymentType int32

    Possible values: [0, 1]

    Payment method

    • 0 - Contract payment
    • 1 - Scan code payment (wallet transfer)
    expectedAmount string

    Order expected payment amount

    Note: The value of this field is an integer, calculated by (actual_amount * 10^currency_decimals)

    settlementAmount string

    Order settlement amount

    Note: The value of this field is an integer, calculated by (actual_amount * 10^currency_decimals)

    settlementCurrencySymbol string

    Settlement currency symbol, based on the actual currency paid by the user

    transferHash string

    Order transaction hash

    userWalletAddress stringrequired

    Sub-contract wallet address for receiving payments

    fromAddress string

    Sender address

    createTime date-timerequired

    Order creation time

    blockTime int64

    Arrival time

    Note: Unix timestamp, unit: seconds
